1991 What a Year!

Personally it was quite an ordinary year, I didn’t have much time to study for the university because I was playing in a band and I didn’t have much time left. Honestly I was enjoying my time and not thinking too much about studying, but still doing a bit of programming on my C64c and exploring the UNIX mainframe of the University of Trieste IT department.

Rock Music was mainstream and big names - Metallica, Nirvana, REM, Extreme, Pearl Jam where battling for number ones. So many good albums have been released that year from artists like Nirvana Nevermind, Metallica “Black Album”, R.E.M. Out of Time, Guns’n’Roses Use your Illusion I and Use your Illusion II, Pearl Jam Ten, RHCP Blood Sugar Sex Magik and many others - e.g. Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Alice in chains etc.

On the tech side

On the 6th of August 1991 the first website info.cern.ch ever was published by the Cern in Geneva and hosted on Tim Berners Lee’s NEXT computer and if I’m here throwing random words out in the wild is because of him and his work that changed the life of so many people around the world.

Linus Torvalds released the Linux Kernel to several Usenet Groups Wikipedia

Apple PowerBook series of laptop was introduced to the market

Things I like - in random order

I do love all Beatles albums but my favourite one is Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club Band
The Cray 1 supercomputer: Unfortunately I couldn’t use it but the Maths department of my university had it and I’ve been able to see it displayed in a room after its operational period was over. What a cool design it had!
image of a Cray1 supercomputer in a red color in a room

Nasa celebrates astronaut’s Alan Shepard’s 100th birthday with the picture of the week
image of astronaut Alan Shepard in a space suit

A picture I took in October 2016 in Castelmonte
image of part of the walls of Castelmonte sanctuary taken in october 2016 with ivy turning red

On Apple music Rock Hits: 1991

From the CERN website The Birth of the Web

A nice article about POSSE - Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere from David Pierce

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Naomi Klein on why wellness culture is embracing far-right theories: From the Guardian