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Simplify Ruby Blocks
I didn’t plan to write anything on Christmas, and honestly, I haven’t been great at blogging. But here we are, another 25th of December and another Ruby release!
This time, Ruby 3.4 brings an array of fantastic features, including Prism as the default parser, improved performance, reduced memory usage for YJIT, and much more. I highly encourage you to explore all the updates. What caught my attention the most, though is the introduction of theit
parameter. Back in Ruby 2.7 the shorthand_1
block parameter was introduced allowing developers to write more concise and elegant blocks. This enhancement made code more readable and intuitive. The traditional approach is to use the|
symbol in a block, something like: -
My generator works
I’m quite proud of how my blogpost template generator is taking shape. While there are still some edge cases that I haven’t covered, and a few more improvements to be made, it’s coming along nicely. If you want to take a look, I linked the repository in a previous post. Here’s the permalink to the latest version of the script.
Shifting gears, I’m finally working on something pretty interesting at my day job. It’s simple codewise, but the theory behind it has been engaging. I’ve been focusing on building predictors for young athletes. While these predictors aren’t complex from a technical perspective, they are quite powerful in terms of the insights they provide about athletic potential. -
My Own Generator
Many things are recently going on in my mind, but I guess it’s just part of that process called aging. I’m having that feeling that I still have so many things to do and learn (Kenny G. is playing in the background) but the time left is not enough. Despite this and the fact that I’m not that fast as a developer as before - never been a 10x though… more a 2x :smile: - I’m still enjoying writing in that bizarre language called “code” and share my small achievements in blog posts, even though I realized that I have to write when I feel too and not with a predefined routine. This is what I am and I think I’m not going to change much… Anyway I enjoy writing with my usual editor (Neovim or Lunarvim) but I don’t enjoy copy pasting things around. More I was in the process of learning how to use the Thor gem so I said to myself that probably the best thing to do learn how it works is building something wih it. It took me less than one hour to build an alpha version of my personal blogpost generator and you can find the code here.
More, I already have in my mind some improvements:
Add some validations to the name and date passed as arguments
Add the possibility to set up a customisable path for saving the file. I’m just thinking about how to organise posts e.g. by category
Maybe add a file path to a template as a /a/ameter. In this way I could potentially change the structure of my posts and make the generator more general. -
Thoughts in random order
AI-generated images are a problem, no more or less than “natural” ones. Can we determine whether an image is authentic or not? If someone claims an image is fake - e.g., Trump regarding a Kamala Harris rally - can we produce documentation to prove its authenticity? And if so, will others be willing to accept the truth, or will they continue to believe what suits them best? Italian researcher Walter Quattrociocchi, in an article for the financial newspaper Il Sole 24 ore, explains that debunking doesn’t work, mostly because people stick to their mental models even when confronted with the truth. This is where prebunking becomes useful. Prebunking, also known as inoculation theory in communication studies, is a proactive approach to combating misinformation. The goal of prebunking is to equip people with the skills to spot false and misleading information online before they encounter it, thereby preempting manipulation. This method works by exposing individuals to weakened forms of misinformation and teaching them how to identify and counter deceptive tactics.
Busy Bee, balancing work, life and photography
In these past weeks, I haven’t had as much time to write as I’d like, given that work has been really demanding. This is something I’m hoping to create more space for in the coming weeks. But even with a busy schedule, I’ve been able to find moments to move forward with my French and Friulian studies, mostly during the evenings.