A few misses

It’s been a while since the last post but I had a couple of things that took me away from writing: A Christmas concert with the choir and my job which is highly demanding in this period. More, I was finding difficult to find a good subject so I guess that sometimes is it ok to put out something that I found interesting? I guess so even if I’m not that sure about it, but at least it keeps the flow going.

I promise that the next one will be more interesting and probably more tech oriented.

In the meantime the question is: Will Ruby 3.3 be released on Christmas day? Fingers crossed :smile:

Things I like - in random order

I love this Floppy Bot

The iMac G3 is 25 years old. What a beautiful machine
a blue apple imac g3

Some AI generated images

I’ve generated some images using the Canva Smart Image Generator
Queen Elizabeth playing the guitar at Woodstock

an artificial intelligence generated image of queen elisabeth playing at Woodstock

A middle age software engineer - well they could be me

an artificial intelligence generated image of a middle age software engineer

AI’s Climate Impact on the Scientific American

Is it possible to understand someone’s else mind MIT Technology Review

The life and times of Yahoo Pipes

COP28 Summit deal

Inventor of aircon helped chill NASA wind tunnels on NASA