Busy Bee, balancing work, life and photography

In these past weeks, I haven’t had as much time to write as I’d like, given that work has been really demanding. This is something I’m hoping to create more space for in the coming weeks. But even with a busy schedule, I’ve been able to find moments to move forward with my French and Friulian studies, mostly during the evenings.

I’ve also gotten into the habit of carrying my camera whenever I walk somewhere. There’s always something worth capturing, and it’s a great way to experiment and improve my photography skills. Whether it’s mastering camera settings or post-processing with Procreate, I’m constantly learning. Speaking of Procreate, it’s been a blast playing around with adding color to black and white photos. It’s taken me to some unexpected places creatively, like this one I’ve posted on my Pixelfed account:

some houses in crookes road sheffield black and white picture

On the developer side of things, Brighton Ruby is approaching and I’m lucky enough to have a ticket!
Thanks again to Sawan. It looks like a fantastic year for the conference, with so many interesting speakers. I’m particularly looking forward to hearing from Nadia Odunayio, the developer behind The Story Graph (a fantastic alternative to Goodreads!), and Chris Oliver, the mind behind Go Rails. I’m also eager to learn more about Ruby Ractors from Daniel Vartanov’s talk. Having some experience with Goroutines, I’m curious about the similarities between the two for parallel processing.

My relation with LLMs

So far I’ve developed a cautios relationship with LLMs, sometimes I use them but I’ve got in the habit of checking the information provided, given the frequent hallucinations they have. Still, although they are sometimes useful, I don’t feel that scraping the Internet to feed them without paying anything to the people that crafted all that content is fair. In my eyes these companies just another wave of capitalists that are trying to make money by literally stealing someone else’s work. Gary Marcus on X - Twitter said it well, talking about OpenAI call for copyright exemption to “save” ChatGPT:

Rough Translation: We won’t get fabulously rich if you don’t let us steal, so please don’t make stealing a crime!

I think that’s the right time to put some regulation in place, we cannot let these people do whatever they want without any kind of rule, they need to be accountable for any kind of damage their activity can cause.

Things I like - in random order

This time I just want to post some pictures I’m really proud of:

barkers pool in sheffield, photo taken at dusk with the camera sitting on a marble bench reflecting some images

How far Trump would go

Open AI will use Reddit Post to train ChatGPT Ars Tehcnica

An Introduction to ractors in Ruby on Appsignal

Slack users horrified to discover messages used for AI training Ars Technica